History and Philosophy
Evolve Life Centers first opened our doors for Recovery Housing in 2014. Among all the services and programs that we offer, we still hold true to our belief that after the completion of inpatient or residential treatment, Recovery Housing is an integral part of building a foundation for a lasting recovery.
Evolve Life Centers operates 7 Recovery Houses, all located in Anne Arundel County between Pasadena and Brooklyn Park. Our houses are conveniently located near local recovery meetings, public transportation, places to shop, and places to work.
Accountability and Structure
Our Recovery Houses are MCORR (Maryland Certification of Recovery Residences) certified and structured according to the Level 2 Recovery Residency Standards of NARR (National Association of Recovery Residences).
The houses are structured with a peer-based system and each house has its own trained live-in house manager that maintains a safe and supportive environment for all residents in the house. Our house managers ensure that rules are being followed and that the house maintains an atmosphere that is conducive to recovery at all times.

Payment and Funding Options
We offer several options for individuals to successfully enter our Recovery Housing program and be able to honor their weekly participation fee. Participation fees range from $150 to $200 per week depending on the house. Potential residents can choose from several options including self-paying, county and state funding sources, and if necessary, The Jacob Para Scholarship that is offered by Evolve Life Centers.
ORF Funding
May be available for Anne Arundel County Residents
MDRN Funding
May be available for Maryland Residents
Howard Co. Healthy Dept Funding
May be available for Howard County Residents
Jacob Para Scholarship
The Jacob Para Scholarship provides funding to those in need of Recovery Housing in the legacy of Jacob Para, a former Evolve resident who lost his life to overdose in 2018. If you have no other plan of payment and no way to honor your weekly participation fee, ask an Evolve Team Member about this scholarship.
Save while your Stay
Evolve features a unique and supportive program to help our Recovery House residents achieve financial independence and make a safe transition from Recovery Housing to independent living when they are ready. For qualified residents who have been in our Recovery Housing for at least six months, the weekly participation fee remains the same, but $25 of that fee will be saved each week and will be returned to you after a successful move out. For more information on who is qualified to participate in our savings plan and more details, ask an Evolve Team Member about this plan.
General Rules
- 30 day initial blackout - no overnights & curfew is 11:00 PM
- After blackout period - the curfew is extended to 2:00 AM
- After the blackout period - residents may be approved for 1 overnight pass each week
- Residents provide their own food
- Residents are permitted to have family members as visitors in common areas
- There is a weekly house meeting Residents are drug tested at least once each week
- Residents are required to be engaged in an IOP program or have recently completed one
- Residents are required to participate in 12 step recovery in the community
- 3 to 5 meetings each week, (IOP participation can count for 1 of your meetings)
- Residents are able to work and come and go freely within the structure of the house rules and curfew