How we give back

Lerom ipsum

“We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give."

Winston Churchill


Evolve's Recovery House Bed scholarship

Recognizing the financial struggles of those traveling the path of recovery, Evolve makes available 365 rent-free nights in it's Higher Standards Sober Living facilities for individuals most in need.

Save While You Stay

Evolve features a unique and supportive program to help its Recovery House residents achieve financial independence and make a safe transition from Recovery Housing to independent living when they are ready. For qualified residents, Evolve sets aside $25 each week and returns it to the individual after a successful move out.

Volunteer Support

Evolve provides business management and administrative support to its non-profit affiliates.

Client Events

So often it is difficult for a client to see the possibilities life has to offer in sobriety. To open the possibilities and experiences to our client's, we invest in events that can show how life can be.

Among the activities we make available are: